March 19, 2025
Solemnity of St. Joseph
651-437-3526 23955 Nicolai Ave East Miesville, MN 55033
We, the faith community of St. Joseph Catholic Church, are trusted to continue the mission of Jesus through the Catholic Church. Toward this goal, we serve, teach and worship. We strive to meet these ends in a spirit of love and compassion, tempered by justice and peace, through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The presence of Christ in the Eucharist
is real, true and substantial.
The presence of Christ in the Eucharist
is real, true and substantial.
8:00 AM - Mass
10:00 AM - Traditional Latin Mass
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Tuesday: 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM
First Friday:
4:30 PM Exposition/Adoration
& Confessions
5:45 PM Benediction
6:00 PM Traditional Latin Mass
First Saturday: 8:00 AM
Monday - Friday:
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
If there is an emergency that requires a priest, please call
Sunday: 9:15 - 9:45 AM
Tuesday: 4:30 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM
First Saturday:
After the 8:00 AM Mass until last Confession heard
Mass: 8:00 am
Traditional Latin Mass:
10:00 am
Traditional Latin Mass:
7:00 pm
Traditional Latin Liturgy: 3:00 pm
Solemn Stations & Veneration of the Cross:
7:00 pm
Traditional Latin Easter Vigil:
7:00 pm
Mass: 8:00 am
Traditional Latin Mass:
10:00 am