Feast of the Presentation of the Lord & the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This coming Sunday (February 2nd) is traditionally called Candlemas. It marks the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, commemorating the moment when Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, in accordance with Jewish law. This feast is a moment of light and revelation, rooted in the Gospel of Luke (2:22-40). It is a celebration of Christ as the Light of the World, a light that dispels darkness and brings salvation to all.
It's a day when candles are traditionally blessed. This practice dates back to the early centuries of the Church. These candles symbolize Christ, who is "a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel" (Luke 2:32). They serve as a tangible reminder of Christ’s enduring presence in our lives.
Candlemas bridges the joy of Christmas with the penitential preparation of Lent. It is often considered the last feast of the Christmas cycle. The readings and prayers of the day reflect both the joy of Simeon and Anna, who recognize the Messiah, and the foreshadowing of the Cross, as Simeon’s prophecy to Mary foretells her own suffering: “A sword will pierce your own soul too” (Luke 2:35).
The feast invites us to reflect on the light of Christ within us and how we are called to carry that light into a darkened world. As the candles we bless burn brightly, so too should our faith illuminate the lives of those around us. It is a call to be bearers of the Light of Christ in our families, communities, and workplaces.
You are most welcome to bring a candle to Mass next Sunday to be blessed. You can simply keep the candles with you in your pew and Fr. Northenscold and I will bless them at the beginning of Mass along with the candles for use at church.