Homily - The Fruits of the Holy Spirit (14th Sunday after Pentecost, 2023)
Homily - The Assumption, a Feast of Integrity (2023)
Homily - Social Justice (9th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - St. Mary Magdalene (8th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - The Four Pillars of Formation ('H.I.P.S.') (7th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - St. Maria Goretti (6th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - The Practice of the Presence of God (5th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - Our Feast Day-Saint John the Baptist (4th Sunday after Pentecost 2023)
Homily - Whole-heartedness (Sacred Heart 2023)
Homily - A Many Splendored Room (Corpus Christi 2023)
Homily - The One and the Many (Trinity Sunday 2023)
Homily - The Giver and His Gifts (Pentecost 2023)
Homily - The Ascension, a "Diamond" Feast (Sunday after the Ascension 2023)
Homily - First Communion - 4th Sunday after Easter (2023)
Homily - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (2023) Why Did Jesus Come
Homily - The Ember Days (Ember Saturday 2023)
Homily - St. Joseph (2022) A meditation on 'our father' Joseph
Homily - Easter Sunday (2022) 'Victimae Paschali Laudes'
Homily - 13th Sunday after Pentecost (2022) Why be Grateful
Homily - 15th Sunday after Pentecost (2022) on Fraternal Correction
Homily - 22nd Sunday after Pentecost (2022) Indulgences
Homily - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (2022) St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Homily - All Saints (2022) A Feast of Friendship
Homily - All Souls (2022) A Feast of Friendship
Homily - Rorate 2022 (Lead us from Darkness to Light)
Homily - St. Joseph the Worker (2022) 'Teacher of Silent Love'
Homily - 2nd Sunday of Lent (2021) A Tale of Two Cities
Homily - 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare) 2021 The Joy of Being Born Again
Homily - Passion Sunday (2021) on the Ancient Holy Week
Homily - 14th Sunday after Pentecost (2021) 'To worry is human, to surrender is divine'
Homily - 15th Sunday after Pentecost (2021) Catholic Grief
Homily - 17th Sunday after Pentecost (2021) Temperament, primary fault, gift and joy
Homily - 21st Sunday after Pentecost (2021) on Deliverance Prayer
Homily - Christmas (2021) Life is Light, a Meditation
Homily - (Sexagesima 2021) The Morality of Vaccines
Homily - Pentecost (2020) The Father's Two Hands
Homily - 7th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - I Confess
Homily - 10th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - The Jesus Prayer
Homily - 11th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - Listening with the Ear of the Heart
Homily - 12th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - The Anointing of the Sick
Homily - 13th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - 'Unite the Clans'
Homily - 16th Sunday after Pentecost (2020) - Reflection on the Our Father
Homily - Assumption of Mary (2020) - A Harmony of Truths
Homily - Our Lady of the Rosary (2020)
Homily - Saint John the Evangelist (2020)
Homily - Holy Family (2019) Obedience as Listening
Homily - 2nd Sunday after Ep. (2019) -Marriage & Humanae Vitae
Homily - 3rd Sunday post Ep (2019) - Meditation on Forgiveness
Homily - Holy Thursday (2019) - Good things come in threes
Homily - Easter (2019) Navigare Necesse Est (Sail On)
Homily - Pentecost (2019) Seven Gifts & Seven Sorrows
Homily - 5th Sunday Post Pentecost (2019) - Crisis and Unity
Homily - 24th & Last Sunday after Pentecost (2019) - Jesus is Enough
Homily - Rorate (2019) Mother of the Light
Homily - Divine Mercy Sunday (2018)
Homily - Good Shepherd Sunday (2018)
Homily - July 20 (2018) 5th anniversary; the priest's 4 loves
Homily - 22nd Sunday Post Pentecost (2018) - Communion on the Hand vs. Tongue
Homily - Nativity of BVM (2018)
Homily - Holy Family (2017) The Three Hearts
Homily - 24th Sunday O.T. (A) 9-24-17, forgiveness