Holy Face

Holy Face Devotion

Holy Face Devotional Meetings

The Holy Face devotional group meets the third Sunday of each month after the 10:00 AM Mass.

What is the Holy Face Devotion?


The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face was established in Tours, France in 1876, by Archbishop Charles Colet, and raised to an Archconfraternity by Pope Leo XIII in 1885.


This devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus was based on images of the Veil of Veronica, as promoted by Leo Dupont. For over 30 years, he welcomed pilgrims who came to his house to venerate His Holy Face and to seek a favor from Our Lord. He prayed with visitors and shared in their veneration and kept records of all the miracles that occurred. Leo Dupont kept the Work of Reparation, writings of Sr. Mary of St. Peter which were under suppression, and veneration of His Holy Face, actively going.


“Our Savior made me understand,” writes Sister Mary St. Peter, “that His Work of Reparation will only become more

flourishing in the future, for it will grow stronger and more vigorous in the midst of storms, and that like a ship refused harbor at one port, it will happily land at another.”  What is a good example of reparation? Our Lord instructed Sr. Mary saying that she must imitate the courage of St. Veronica, who bravely broke through the mob of His enemies to reach Him, and that He now presented her to me as my protectress and as my model.


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